The short film released in 2020 is finally on Netflix. The show tells a story about real-life escapades. Being aired on Netflix about two years after its release is such a great achievement for the Kenyan stars.
Foi Wambui, also known for making an appearance on the ‘Crime and Justice’ series that was showing on Showmax, was extremely excited. The young actress took to her Instagram and wrote,
“Woop! Release date is out! Set your reminders! 27th January is the date! 😄
“Morning After”, a short film that I starred in, and that premiered in the cinema in Feb 2020, is going to be on Netflix! Wow! Honestly, I’m so excited! This was my first film to ever have any kind of “premier”, so it’s very close to my heart. This makes it even more special for me.
P.s. You’ll want to see me in this one. Trust! 😏🥵”
Plot: A twenty-one-year-old promiscuous boy goes through the longest morning of his life after he discovers that his staunch Christian mother has washed the clothes of a girl, he sneaked home for a one-night stand.
- Foi Wambui
- Charlie Karumi
- Millicent Ogutu
- Jacob Otieno
Directed and Written by Brian Munene