It is now more than a year since Covid-19 struck the country and made everything stand still. From total lock down to curfew times, we have witnessed people close to us getting affected, while some die.
According to MOH the total confirmed positive cases are now at 115,031, including our Kenyan Celebrities Gilad, Serah Teshna and Jeff Koinange among others.
Gilad recently announced on his Instagram that he tested positive for Covid 19. He mentioned that his time on quarantine has been tough for him. Some of his symptoms were fever and muscle pains. He was very grateful that he never experienced any breathing difficulty. His fans and family have been actively helping by calling, texting and commenting wonderful and heartwarming messages, some went to the extent of sending him recipes filled with healthy stuff.

Taking to his Instagram, his most recent post suggest that he looks forward to recovering. “When this is over I’m going to the beach #covi̇d19 #quarentine #corona”

The 33-year-old actress, Serah Teshna, is recovering from life-threatening virus. She stated on her twitter, “I have never recovered from constant fatigue, migraines, I got my sense of smell and taste a few weeks ago. This thing comes with A LOT!!!!”
The entertainment industry has been vastly by the current Kenyan Covid-19 guidelines calling for social distancing which means cancellation of shows. Being that the vaccine has been introduced into the Kenyan market, we hope the economy will open up to brighter times ahead.